Mike didn't take any pictures, but made sure to video chat me in while he was at the house. He reported that it looks almost exactly like the pictures, which is a great thing! He was very impressed and we've spent the past week talking about how we're going to arrange our furniture and decorate. He also was happy to report in that the beer scene is up and growing!
Meanwhile, Finn and I enjoyed the unseasonable warm weather. Finn was a champ on the plane rides down and fell asleep both flights. Insert all the praise hand emojis!
Once we arrived, we shed our coats and sweaters and soaked up the warm weather. Friday morning, I got breakfast with Rachel while my mom and Finn spent some quality time together at home. That afternoon, Finn, my mom and I went for a walk and Finn rediscovered the swings. He was a big fan! Andrew and Ben didn't make it home before Finn's bed time, but were happy to be home (I think!). Also, shoutout to Andrew who started a new job last week!!
Saturday morning, Finn, my parents and I were up early and ready to race (ha!). My brother's (and dad's) old high school always does a 5k to raise money for the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters and since we have benefited from are big advocates for CHKD, some Russos always walk. While we definitely didn't come in first and weren't far from last, our spirit and dedication was high! Finn was so worn out, he fell asleep halfway through!
Unfortunately, Finn wasn't feeling well that afternoon, so we just laid low and hung out. We did video chat with Mike so that we could see the new house, which was exciting. Luckily, between the Tylenol and a long nap, he seemed to rally for a bit that evening while the rest of the Russo/Tucker gang came over for dinner.
The next morning, Finn seemed to be back to his normal self so we hopped in the car and headed to William and Mary for the afternoon. We walked around campus, got lunch at one of the delis and saw my brother's fraternity house. It was a beautiful day and the perfect day to be spent walking around outside.
Monday morning came too fast and we were back at the airport and heading back to Connecticut for one last time. Leaving home is never fun, especially when your next trip isn't planned, but I'm grateful to have guys like this one waiting for me when I return.
Also, Finn thinks my dad is the funniest thing and it cracks me up every time I watch this video.
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