Our little guy spent almost exactly nine months in my belly and has spent nine months out! I can't believe it has only been nine months with Finny because it seems like he's been a part of our family forever (cheesy, I know). We had a blast celebrating Finn's first Christmas and he had a ton of fun spending a few days with Nana and Grandpa without us. He survived the subzero temperatures in Vermont and has adjusted to life back in Groton seamlessly. Happy nine months Finn!
Thirty nine weeks in and thirty nine weeks out! |
Sleeping: Finn's biggest weakness is sleep, especially when travelling. He does not travel well in terms of sleep. When we were travelling over Christmas, he woke up at least three times a night, if not more. Most nights, he would end up in our bed because he refused to sleep in his pack n play. At home, he's definitely better, but still waking up twice in the middle of the night to feed. He typically goes to sleep around seven and wakes up around 6:30. I look forward to the day when I can say Finn is sleeping through the night, but that was not this month 😥 For naps, we have gotten down to a morning nap and an afternoon nap when we are home. These naps are usually short (45 minutes), but occasionally we will get a long nap and everyone is happy! At school, he only takes one nap and they can range anywhere from 1 hour to 2 and a half.
Clothing Size: 9-12 months/12 months
Diaper Size: Size threes during the day and size fours at night. He probably could be in size fours all day, but the threes still fit and we have a ton, so threes it is!
Weight: still hovering around 18lbs. The doctor said that was normal since he's started crawling and has had the stomach flu, so she wasn't concerned, but I would like to see him gain some more weight.
Height: 27.5 inches
Travel: Virginia and Vermont
This is one of my favorite pictures of our guy! |
Oh Finn! Your smile is infectious and your personality lights up a room. We are so thankful we get to call you ours. We love the way you squeal and get excited when we walk through the door. You are a fan favorite at daycare and we understand why. Your laid back personality makes me so happy and we have loved seeing you achieve different milestones as you grow and learn. We love you, sweet boy!
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