Eating: Well, you've decided you're only going to be a picky eater at home. I should have known that would be the case. You learn from watching others, so having others eating fruits and vegetables is a huge motivation for you. Breakfast is still your best meal and you get upset if you don't get your morning banana and milk. Lunch and dinner are hit or miss, especially when introducing something new, but when you like something, I'm always amazed at how much you can eat!
Sleeping: Well, sleeping is not the best, but I would say it's maybe slowly getting better. And by better, I mean, we're still waking up once a night, but you seem to be able to put yourself back to sleep pretty quickly. You're waking up around 5:30, but I don't think you really want to be awake because you will fall asleep in my arms and stay asleep as long as I don't put you back down. Alright, now that I'm reading this, I guess we aren't really improving, but it's better than when you used to wake up two or three times a night, right?
Noises: You still aren't talking, but you have lots to say. You let your voice be heard when around the house, but seem to quiet down when other people are around or we are out and about. I have a feeling your first few words are on the tip of your tongue, though, because you are constantly talking.
Milestones: Walking! I know he took his first few steps last month, but he's getting more and more confident and loves to try and walk. He still prefers crawling when he wants to get somewhere, but he's trying to walk more and more which is fun. His other big milestone is that he can identify and object out of a group of objects. We noticed this in the bath tub when we would ask him to find his rubber ducks (he has four) in the tub surrounded by foam letters and other animals. He almost always does it without any assistance and is always SO proud of himself. It's amazing!
Likes and Dislikes: We have some serious separation anxiety going on, which is normal, but he really does not like it when I leave. So much so that I have to sneak out to even take a shower. Daycare is definitely helping with that, but it's obvious that he does not like to be far from my side. Speaking of daycare, I would say it's somewhere in the middle of a like and dislike, which is a huge improvement. You definitely did not like it the first few days, but now you understand that I'm not leaving you FOREVER and I will come back. You also love your rocking horse and have decided you are going to do trick riding because you love to stand up on your horse (all while nearly giving me a heart attack). You're quite the little daredevil!
Nicknames: Finn, Finny, Finnster, Finneman, Bud, Buddy
Clothing Size: 18 months for everything, but some of his shirts are looking a liiiiittle tight.
Height: Don't know but I feel like he's getting taller.
Weight: In my very precise measurement when stepping on the scale with him and without him, he was 23.8lbs.
Travel: He checked Canada off his list when we all traveled to Victoria, BC!
Teeth: Still just the eight front. I keep thinking those molars are coming, but no sign of them yet!
Finny buddy!! This month was a great one and proved to me that you are just as amazing as I think. You started daycare this month and even though you hated when I left you at first, you learned to love it. That mom guilt was tough though and I probably cried as much as you did! Your excitement at the end of the day when I walk through the door makes it all okay though and your teachers tell me how much fun you have every day. Oh, and they love you as much as we do, so I know you are in great hands. You curiosity and determination are two traits that seem to dominate your life and I hope that never fades (even if it drives me crazy sometimes). I love you sweet boy.
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