Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Kissing Disease

I mentioned in my posts about Portugal and following posts that Mike was sick, but never really explained HOW sick he was. I've never seen Mike that sick and it's been a long time since I've really seen any adult that out of commission. The week following Portugal was by far the worst and I don't think Mike really did much of anything. He had a fever, a sore throat and was just overall not feeling well.

A few days after being home, he went to the doctor because things didn't seem to be getting better.  The doctor gave him some antibiotics, which definitely helped, but after a week, he was still feeling pretty lethargic and just not himself. When he returned to the doctor for his follow up appointment, she drew some blood and sent it off for a mono test.

About a week later, the results came back and sure enough he has a mild form of mononucleosis, also known as the kissing disease. When I asked him who he's been kissing, he replied "just some cute pregnant chick," so I guess that's good :)  Luckily, there isn't any risk for me or Baby Maximus.  I've already had mono and most people don't get it twice.  Even if I were to get it again, there isn't any harm to the baby if the mother has mono.

After the mono diagnosis, there isn't much you can do to cure it.  You can treat the symptoms, but there isn't a medicine to take to cure it.  So, you just have to kind of wait it out.  Luckily, we've had a calm few weeks here and we're hoping that it won't be too much longer before Mike is feeling back to normal.  For now, though, his days consist of going to class and taking a long afternoon nap.  

Hopefully Mike will go from this.....

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor
back to this very soon. 

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